Redland Station Homeowners Association
Board of Directors Open Meeting
Thursday October 17th at 7pm via Zoom
Zoom can be accessed at:
Meeting Agenda: Open Meeting from 7pm to 8:30pm
- Roll call and confirmation of Quorum of Directors
- Proof of meeting notice
- Approval of proposed Agenda
- Review and approve prior meeting minutes.
- Officer Reports:
a. President Report
b. Vice President Report
c. Treasurer Report
d. Secretary Report - Committee Reports:
a. Nomination Committee updates on Annual Meeting and Election
b. Architectural Control Committee Report
c. Grounds Report - Existing Business:
a. Resignations from Alfred and Cheryl & ACC Transition Planning
b. Request inputs from the community on issues they want to discuss at the Annual
c. Candidate Introductions - New Business
Closed Board Meeting: From 8:30pm to 9:30pm - Discuss critical issues that we will need legal advice on
- Create a list of outstanding items that need to be transitioned to the new board
- Review tentative agenda for the Annual Meeting, assign groups or people to present